Thursday, September 24, 2009


I wonder if Meat Loaf ever regrets his choice of stage names.
What if he stopped liking meatloaf, after having really loved it when he was young, because you just know he can't go to dinner anywhere without being served an obligatory meatloaf? How many meatloafs must Meat Loaf have consumed in his life? I'm betting on thousands.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hefty Tall Kitchen Bags "Stinky" 2009 TV Commercial

I can't stand this woman. Man these are the most annoying commercials. Hows about stop complaining and take the trash out yourself, you lazy broad? I mean, really, she could have taken it out and been back again in the time she stood there making faces and ordering her poor fake husband around.

I rock!

So, today I ran my 2 miles. You know I'm training for the White Rock Lake half-marathon in December. And that I am NO RUNNER.
Anywho. Started training a couple of weeks ago. Went from running ZERO to running 4-5 days/week. My point is, today was my second 2-mile run, and not only did I run the whole thing without stopping or slowing down (which I have forced myself to do each time, but usually it's 1.5 miles, and I am struggling), but it actually didn't hurt! It was like, kind of easy and natural. Of course, I had a couple of moments of "ugg!" but I never felt like I wanted to stop or I might die. I hit that mythical place where running no longer hurts! This has only happened one other time in my life, and before that, I always thought it was an urban legend.
My point is, I'm proud of myself. I am becoming a real runner. Never thought I'd see the day :)

Monday, September 7, 2009

I am starting a petition

I think we need more national holidays. Like, at least one per month. Paid holidays. I don't think they have created a new one in my whole life. That's a long time to not make any new holidays, don' t ya think?

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Did I ever tell y'all?

In some movie, someone is talking about a disease they have, it sounds like he says "anorexia," only that's not it. It's some disorder where he has absolutely no stress. Even about things he should have stress about. I think I have this disorder.
Nothing really makes me stress. And believe me, I probably should stress sometimes. There are definitely things in my life that would stress out a normal person.
Maybe this is why my blood pressure is so low that doctors are always like, "umm... you're practically dead."

I really like good ol' TS...

But, I personally think it's kind of both gross and bad when one's arms are so thin that the elbow-bones look all knobby and big, like knobby knees. Sorry, thin-armed girls everywhere. Thin is fine. But this isn't even thin. It's like, creepy.