Wednesday, December 31, 2008

2008, over already?

Here are a few tidbits from this year:
* I finished my book. And, based on critiques in my writers' group, it is excruciating.
* "The Visitor," "In Bruges," and "Slumdog Millionaire" are my fave films of 2008.
* I moved into an amazing apartment, which I now have to move out of because my sister is
getting married (to an awesome guy). Great for her, not great for my living situation. Thanks, Tara Reid. (Tara Reid has nothing to do with it, but since she's the devil, I thought it
would be fun to always be like, "thanks, Tara Reid," whenever anything bad happens.)

* I got really, really sick of hearing the phrase "going green." Pretty much only use that phrase
if you want me to completely tune you out.
* I visited the fabulous city of Chicago for the first time, and fell in love with it. And the
maniacal Cubs fans.
* Jim Gaffigan's and my meeting was not as miraculous as I'd hoped. Instead of angels singing
down, and light from heaven, he was a dud. And, we weren't allowed to take a picture with
him. What gives, Gaff?!

* I had one half-assed marriage proposal.

* Patent leather and I are still on exceptionally good terms. It is one of my favorite classics and
I just can't seem to get enough of it. 2008 was a great year for me and patent leather!
* I finally got that job in marketing that I had been coveting forever, and I like it quite a bit.
Yes, it will do fine until that magical tv production job opens up.
* Somebody wore this!
* I stayed really pretty;)
Happy New Year's, people! And now, I commence my 11-day vacation!!!


The Evers said...

Happy New Year Maigs! Thanks for your entertaining blog this year, it has brightened many of my days! Love you and I am glad life is good!

Unknown said...

you did stay really pretty.

Alison said...

Rest up, you deserve it! :) It's amazing what happens in a year isn't it?

Zappe Family said...

Oh Maigen. You are a joy to read about and keep up with. Love it, love it. I hope you have a wonderful new year! And...happy birthday today too!