A) What is it on my blog that prompts ads like this:
Federal Criminal Defense
Federal Drug & Sex Crimes Law Office of Correa & Featherston ?!?
I didn't know I appealed so much to the criminal type... or at least that my blog does. I guess I know I do, personally, and I can validate that statement with a little quip I like to call "Maigen gets an ex-con boyfriend on a cross-country Greyhound trip while attending BYU." Umm, yeah, that actually happened. Years ago, though. Still funny.
B) I've lost 7 more pounds! Yipee! I am now back to my natural "fat weight." You know, the place I always stayed at without trying before I hit 29 years old and my metabolism came to a screeching halt, unfortunately during the time I was on campus in the video-editing suites for 12 hours a day, eating junk and never, ever working out. Well, finally back down. Still got a bunch to go, but things are looking good!
C) Had an awesome 4th of July weekend... But, really, how can it be blasted Monday already? Dude, no.
D) I have to go to bed, but instead I am writing this. The end.
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