I haven't done this before, but here goes:
1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory you have of me or of us together (If I have been horrible, please disregard this part of the exercise). It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember!
*** if at all possible it would be great to leave out the truly embarrassing memories. I know that's hard, if not impossible, cause there are a lot cause I'm a bit of a freak like that but give it your best shot :) ***
2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people have a memory about you. It's actually pretty fun to see the responses.
my best memory of megan was when I got to be her private dancer at my own birthday party. that was awesome.
Well you stole some of my favorites but I think they need to be shared again here :)
Random trip we took, leaving Denny's at 1:30 a.m. with a certain hottie (who we met like 30 minutes ago) to drive to Vegas for Red Bull because they didn't have it in Utah yet. Yes, I agree... strange and not super smart of us :)
Snorting lemon juice on a dare... We almost died.
Or, Sarah, aka two-face: she's ugly, she's a barbie! she's ugly, she's a barbie! WHICH is it?!
But you did leave out some of the best... How about going of to Lehi or wherever together to get tongue and eyebrow piercing. So funny. Oh the good times...
And your undying love for a certain person who’s name started with a J
Or visiting you at work at the Chev
Okay one more... the hours of fun we had laughing about the giant hideous heart wreath our roommates mom made for our living room. Oh yeah and the other psycho roommate who never bathed or paid rent and we thought was going to murder us all in our sleep.
Needless to say I have a "few" fond memories. We'll save the others for another time :)
There are so many cool memories of you meg!!!
But i have to say the best are of our shopping days together.
When chloe is here and old enough to travel i'll love to come to texas and re-live it all over again!!
You're the best shopping buddy a friend can ask for!!!:)
LOVE YA!!!!!
Here's one...I will always remember that you had a HUGE CRUSH on Lee Tripp during our freshman year at BYU. When you saw me talk to him, you had stars in your eyes and freaked out that I knew him. Then...I had to just BARF because I had known him since I was like 3 or 4 and he had creeped me out! I avoided him like the plague and here was my friend Maigen who just couldn't get enough of him.
Another memory...you always had cute shoes, outfits, and you and Jennie could make me laugh all the time.
First of all, sadly and happily, that baby is not my baby. He belongs to my brother brian. I enjoy borrowing him however.
And, my memory of you is when you lived I don't know where, but there were people hammering in the night and at all obnoxious times. You were so funny when you told me and Michelle about it and you sang the "If I Had A Hammer" song. Those were the days.
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