Monday, July 21, 2008

This is what is wrong with America...

This makes me so mad. And we wonder why children are so misbehaved. "Here, eat this apple," the mom says, "no," the kid says, very nonchalant, as if that is what she usually says. What a brat. And what a perfect snapshot of the average modern American family, where the kids are large and in charge.
Also, I find it totally disturbing that we have to trick them into eating fruit by shaping it like the least healthy thing out there, french fries.


HiccupMeL said...

I have to admit, that commercial irritated me too. That little girl is WAY old enough for her mom to be like, "Um, honey? You don't say no to me. You're going to eat this, and you're going to like it!"

Not..."Oh, well, I guess I'll get in the car, drive all the way to Burger King, and bring you home expensive fry shaped apples to please your little picky soul."

Rhia Jean said...

I am going to die laughing the first time some fast food mother hands her toddler in a car seat a thing of fry shaped apples and they drop one down in between the seats and it gets all moldy and nasty. That doesn't happen with fast food fries. They just dry up and petrify. Then again, it probably already has happened. Ha! Ha! Ha!

Alison said...

Amen. Ick.

wray and nat said...

SOOOOOOOOOOO TRUE!!!! that sought of stuff really bugs.......
That same little girl is the bratty teenage kids you see these days getting lipo and boob implants. that their parents pay for without any ?????'s

WhiteEyebrows said...

The burger king guy is creepy. He haunts my nightmares with his beady eyes and creepy smile.