Sunday, August 2, 2009

Snuggie for Dogs - As Seen on TV Network

Thank you, Alison, and Matt, for bringing this into my life! I laughed so hard, I sounded like I was having some sort of attack, and had major tears rolling down my face! I have to re-apply my make-up!
THE BEST PART (which shows how sick I am) is: "Unlike traditional sweaters that you have to force over your dog's head, and stuff their legs through tight little sleeves." (which Alison also pointed out.) I re-watched it (at second :35) at least 15 times. I felt bad each time, knowing how sad it was for the dog, but my sadness was over-ridden by joy and unbridled glee. Wrong? Yes. Am I okay with it? Yes. Tell me that you love it, too.

1 comment:

Alison said...

It's so horrible isn't it? Well, horribly wonderful! :D