Monday, June 8, 2009


My sister and I were walking up to my parent's place, and saw a person on a balcony which we thought was my parent's. Meredith was like, "is that mom?" I wasn't wearing my seeing-eye-glasses, so I was like, "yeah," and yelled, "MOM?!"
Yeah, no. It wasn't my mom. It was a dude, on the balcony next door. A big dude, smoking a cigarette and bald-headed. He was white. That was about where the similarity to my 5'2'', size zero, non-smoking mom with hair ended.
Not as funny in the re-telling. But, we were laughing so hard we cold barely walk.


Alison said...

No, that WAS funny when you retold it. :D

Rhia Jean said...

I still hold in my head the extremely embarrassing moment when I mistook a complete stranger for a friend and did a really stupid goofy dance as I was running up to him. Yeah, it still makes me laugh.

Candice & Lindsey said...

Oh it is funny! I'm cracking up, out loud, while I read this.