Thursday, September 18, 2008

Only in dreams...

I dream, primarily, about these few things:

1) Steamy make-outs with mostly actors and the occasional real guy. (Robert Downey, Jr; Jude Law; and that guy, "Boy," from the Coco Chanel Lifetime movie are pretty good kissers, by the way).

2) Shopping. And often, disappointment of not having the particular items procured follows like the morning regrets of a night of chocolate over-indulgence. I always draw the clothes or shoes. Someday I will hire someone to make them.

3) Fighting. Especially when I was in Tae Know Do. I would constantly dream that people would jump out at me and I would proceed to kick their martial-arts a.

4) Dinosaurs. I know. Totally embarrassing. But, I think "Jurassic Park" had a disturbingly lasting effect on my subconscious.

5) Dying. I am being stalked by a ruthless killer, who always eventually kills me. Aside from the panicked repenting I do right there at the end, it isn't too bad. More like going numb from the gunshot wound or whatever. So, yeah, you don't die in real life if you die in your dreams. So, the short film I made in college was all for naught, I already knew the answer to that question.

6) Working. I spend a sickening percentage of my nights working extra eight-hour shifts for which I never see a penny.

7) Spiders. I always wake up thinking I can see one crawling across my pillow. Ick! Makes me shiver even now.

8) Someone (I don't know who) is in bed next to me. I look over there, half-asleep, not knowing who it is, and not so worried that some stranger is in my bed, but more so about the fact that I am not wearing a bra. I have woken up literally going through my bra drawer on several occasions.

9) Lately, republican politicians. We are always at parties. I had a great dream about me and George W, in which he ordered a "whiskey and a coke" (do people actually drink that?) and I was standing next to him, and repeated, laughingly, "whiskey and coke?!" and he turned, so happy that I had (he thought) just ordered the same drink as he had. We then flirted a lot, and I may or may not have said "I'll be your Monica!"
And just last night I dreamt that Sarah Palin and I were at a party, became fast friends, and she proceeded to give me man advice.

10) Falling in love. Cheesy, I know. And not so much me falling in love as some amazing guys (who usually don't exist in real life, excepting Jude Law) falling crazily in love with me. And being all romantic. And I don't usually like romance, but in dreams, it's not so bad.

So, what will I dream about tonight? I don't know, but I've always wanted to hang out with Ronald Reagan. Or, maybe I feel more like kissing Adrien Brody...


The Polson Family said...

I so love reading your blog, it makes me laugh so much. I want you to know that I had the same nightmare all the time in college, someone coming over when I didn't have my bra on. I got up in the middle of the night and put on more clothes all the time. Crazy, I know but it's good to know that someone else is plaqued wiht it as well.

WhiteEyebrows said...

wow! so candid and provocative!

I think it's super-nasty that you flirted with Dubbya though..

I also think that time spent dreaming about work is definitely billable hours.

Alison said...

Dinosaurs and bras. Awesome! :D

Last night, I dreamed that I was stuck in an elevator that kept going up and down, always hovering right around the floor I wanted to get off on, but wouldn't stop there. Then right before it ended the elevator sky-rocketed to the top of the building and I thought I was going to die.

Now I know that if I had died, I would only be numb. That makes me feel a lot better. :)

Erica said...

Ummm. I think the beautiful man in Coc Chanel was named Boyd? And the French don't pronounce the D? Maybe? I should IMDB this but I'm at work. If his name really was Boy it would only serve to make another stupid name like Guy. I would prefer Guy to Boy though.

Oh yeah the reason I commented....He is FINE!!!! Mmm Mm MMM. I wish I had a dirty dream about him. You are one lucky girl.

Erica said...

So now I have internet really is Boy. Sad. He is a man. A hot hot man.

Rachel F. said...

Dinosaurs! Haha Thanks for sharing.

And yes, Drew is a mutual friend! Actually I think I saw you at church when I came to Dallas to visit Drew and Chris last fall. I remember the "housing coordinator" making an announcement and I remember I liked her shoes. That must've been you...