Why do some people find the need to be horrible, wretched jerks to complete strangers? I mean, if I am trying to help you out (you guessed it, this is a work story), DON'T be totally rude, with no reason, and especially, especially don't use the "f" word at me. Because, guess what, sister? If you do something like that, I will for sure, FOR SURE make sure that your experience is as long and inconvenient as possible. I really will.
Oh, and one other thing, you mean little snake, I am TRULY AMAZED that you were recently married. I can only assume it was an arranged marriage. Well, either way, I feel real sorry for your husband. I mean, if you haven't already castrated him, I am sure it is only a matter of time.
The fact that you are married once again reinforces my theory that often it's the creeps, jerks, and losers who get married, leaving the cool, normal people single. (Not always, of course I know lots of nice married people, but what I'm trying to say is that for some reason, horrible people sometimes fall in love [or get arranged into marriages] and fabulous people don't. Just doesn't make any blasted sense. The awful ones should be left alone, so as to not spread their bad genes any further.)
People are just plain stupid when they think if they curse at you they'll get their way. Oh yes, if you say fowl things to me and about me I'll do whatever you want me to do! Idiots!
I hate those people that feel entitled to a certain level of attention when the customer. You know what? You have to wait like the rest of us, stupid "I'm better than you" lady. Gee.
Oh, and I will agree with your theory, cause it sounds fun. My theory goes along with yours in that guys secretly want the girls that are high maintenance, mean, or crazy (bonus if they're all three!), 'cause that's what they always seem to date or marry. Whatever, right? I guess it doesn't have to make sense to me. :)
I am getting sooo sick of stupid rude people. I am ready to move to a tar paper lean to, like the unibomber. Couple that with the global warming craze, the Obambam change to communism, and gay marriage in Cal, and I am going to home depot for tar paper.
I say let people say whatever they want, whenever they want. i.e. what I am doing right now. If foul language still bothers you, then you obviously haven't heard enough. If intense language motivated people then why would we need people like Tony Robbins to help us achieve our potential. Foul, intense language is antiquated because everyone uses it now. A few years ago if someone swore in public it was considered rebelious and borderline inconsiderate. Now a days if you are not swearing then you seem passive and non expressive of how you 'truly' feel. The fact that everyone uses bad language has made it not cool or rebelious anymore, but rather out of style. It was like back in junior high when being different was cool, and being cool was uncool because you were trying to hard. I still prefer to use my 'in play' language and have noticed that people pay attention more when you don't use foul language in a situation when they would have sworn.
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