What's worse than watching sports? Watching two guys talk about sports in a radio studio. That's what "ESPN Sports Live Radio Prime-time" is. Seriously. Huh?
Which makes a nice segue way to
"Becoming sporty: one girl's journey from stilettos to San Antonio Spurs"
Okay, people, I think I may have mis-lead some of you into thinking I am actually sporty now, or something. What it really is is that I have been watching a lot of football lately, and have managed to remain coherent and conscious throughout the games.
I do, however, actually like basketball quite a bit. This, combined with the football viewing, leads me to believe that I have turned over some kind of new leaf.
Before, the not-so-sporty Maigen would have drudged through the football with a copy of "The Great Gatsby" close at her side. (She actually attended an NBA game once and read "Pride and Prejudice" the whole time.) She would have laughed if you told her she would actually like basketball, and would even have favorite teams (the Mavs, the Spurs), favorite players (Tim Duncan, Shaq, Dwayne Wade, Jason Terry, Josh Howard, DJ, Dirk on a good day which is rare) and teams/players she hated (LA Lakers, of course; the Jazz; Steve Nash; Dirk on a bad day).
Not so with new-leaf Maigen. I have learned a little about sports, and I don't hate them. I'm not gonna lie, this also pleases the fellas (which is not a reason to like sports, but happens to be a nice by-product).
The one thing that the not-so-sporty and new-leaf Maigens have in common is the realization that at least 1/2 of the reason to watch sports is still, after all, the good-looking athletes. I think we can all agree on that!
Whew! I was worried that you had turned ACTUALLY sporty, and I was wondering where my friend Maigen, in the stilettos was. But liking basketball is no crime, I have liked, sometimes loved it, for years. Football, on the other hand, needs a good Jane Austen book to make it tolerable.
I have a slight conflict for you. Your man DJ just signed a 10 day contract with the Lakers! So watch for him in LA games...
I'm glad you confessed to reading P&P at the NBA game. I was wondering if you would :) I still like to share that story with people.
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