Monday, January 21, 2008

You're SOOO good lookin'

For some reason, lately I have been wanting to respond to lots of things like Jerry says in this scene, "you're sooo good lookin'." I don't know why, but it has come to mind several times (and I also thought it might be a funny response to an "I love you," not that I'm getting any of those...)
But, the whole thing about blessing someone after a sneeze reminds me of my mom, whose normal response is "that sneeze didn't deserve a 'bless you.'" Her theory is, just because somebody else sneezes, she shouldn't be OBLIGATED to bless them. I can see her point. Although, one time she sneezed and went out of her way to say, "oh, bless me," just to tick me off. Now THAT was a good moment.


Teri said...

Lines from Seinfeld are great because they can be used in so many circumstances. That is why I watch it on a regular basis... so I will be ready with lines when the time comes. But you must be careful because it can also create bad habits like wearing white tennies with everything. ;)

Blogservationist said...

just want to say hi and I enjoyed your posts.
P.S. nice Beasties reference