Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Netflix, I love you.

I watched "Eagle vs. Shark" on my laptop the other night, via my Netflix Instant Queue. That is one snazzy application of Netflix, btw. I love being able to watch something right when I want to. Granted, there are not too many movies available for instant watching, but there are enough to have several choices, and I think they add more every day.
"Eagle vs. Shark" is totally bizarro. I liked it. Think "Napoleon Dynamite" in (I think) Scotland on love steroids. The only thing I hated was really close to the end, there is this crazy scene that is basically a music video involving claymation apples. It is like something from "Sesame Street." But, overall, it's cute, quirky, and has some radical track suits.

1 comment:

Alison said...

I've been wanting to see this, but keep forgetting to go rent it. Hum . . . maybe this weekend will be the weekend I remember. :)