Saturday, December 6, 2008

Where's the love, Gaff?

Georgia: Why no flash photography? Does the flash give you a sunburn? It does that to me, too.
Jim Gaffigan (doesn't crack a smile): Ha, yeah. Nice to meet you, Georgia.
(My turn)
Me: Oh, man, the show was so funny! You made me do the 'old man weezer laugh,' which is the manifestation of the throes of comic ecstasy!
JG (with not even a titter, or smile): Oh, yeah. Thanks for coming to the show, nice to meet you...

Huh? Dude, Georgia and I were both funny, or at least clever. What happened? You tired? You sick of people trying to be funny with you?
I'm still glad I met you, but am ticked at the 'no photos' rule, and depressed by your strange, less-than-cordial behavior. Oh, well. Still love you, man. Even though you were a robot at the 'meet and greet.' I just expected some crazy fun banter. The cute press guy was over there smiling tons at my slightly crazy, but clearly witty comment.
Guess you can't be on all the time. Even though I am... ;)

1 comment:

Rhia Jean said...

I hate the "no photos" rule. How is anyone supposed to believe that you met someone famous if you don't have the proof? And really, how long does it take to get one stinkin' photo? 2 seconds? *sigh* oh can't win em' all!