Monday, January 14, 2008

Sorry, y'all...

I've been lazy about blogging lately. I have been sick/busy/tired/not funny/turning 30 for the past week.
What is to come in the near future (a "sneak preview," if you will...):
  • A dissertation on "WTF? Punished for being awesome: The chronicle of becoming the 'closing cashier'"
  • "Sabado Special: delicious sushi and fun photos from my birthday dinner. Also 'The Bucket List' and my bucket list."
  • "ESPN... ick!"
  • "My favorite lipgloss, a recommendation"
  • "Becoming sporty: one girl's journey from stilettos to San Antonio Spurs"
I don't have time to flesh these out right now, gotta go be the "closing cashier," but, believe me, they will be good!


Kerry said...

Oooooh, I can't wait!!

Unknown said...

The sporty thing caught my attention. As well as mention of your 30th birthday! congrats you! It's an amazing decade that I embrace fully and know will be 30 times better than my twenties!

Chelle said...

ooh, i am excited, and yes, WHAT? are you turning sporty???? this i MUST hear about!!