See next, oh, I don't know, 10 posts.
So, this "celebrity look-alike" thing is such a fun, perfect waste of time. Thanks, Michelle. (PS: everyone, try it and email me the results, or better yet, post on your own blogs!)
Here's what Georgia and I noticed:
1) Neither of us really got told that we look like the people we look like all the time (Georgia: Nicold Kidman, Me: Reese Witherspoon or Zooey Dreschenel [sp?])
2) Apparently Georgia really looks like Tim Roth, whoever he is. (Just kidding, we all know she's gorgeous).
3) I don't have any good, up-close face pics of Bob.
4) I might be a slight bit vain. Which I think is a much better description of my sin than the previously mentioned "shallow." (I have been told by many people that I am actually not shallow... My mom described it as "...more like... preoccupied with shoes.")
5) My favorite look-alike, which isn't posted because a lot of the others were repeats, was Joan Awesome Collins!! Um, yeah. That's rad. 2nd runner-up: Angela Lansbury. Always loved "Murder, She Wrote!" Least favorite? Umm, that would be Helen Hunt.
Hahahaha. I love that you did this a million times!
You can thank my cousin Jessica.
Some people tell me I look like the guy from Goonies, HEY you Guys. I always thought they were joking. Then one day I actually saw the movie "Goonies" and realized they were right. I think it was because I had a big head and I had a huge cyst on my forehead. I still think it is pretty funny.
Whatev, D, you're gorgeous and you know it... Isn't that part of the whole "being a winner" thing? ;) BFF'S!
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