Thursday, August 7, 2008

Chicago, Day 3

Part 3 of 3, if only because day 4 was spent sleeping in and getting a cab to the airport... So, this is the last installment of my Chicago trip (oh, yeah, aside from my "Guys Gone Wild: The Men of Wrigley Field 12-month digital calendar"... forgot about that. Look out for that.) LOOK to the cookie!

University of Chicago area. I like it, even though it may be a little ghetto.

The coolest train station... Not sure why it's so yellow in this pic, it's actually really blue.

Us on a rad 2-story train.

"The thing about McDonald's is, it's like the Church. It's the same everywhere you go," says David, the philosopher.

"The Bean," an amorphous blob of metal that looks like an alien life form, or maybe an alien ship.
Inside "the bean." You can see me taking a pic, I'm almost in the middle, with a big yellow purse.
The amazing Pritzker Pavilion. I randomly stumbled across a symphony performance.

So awesome!

In Millennium Park

Window shopping... Ahhh! Chanel!
On the way down to the beach...

Guy playing the sax in the tunnel on the way to the beach. I had a clearer shot of this, but I prefer this one. Seems artsy.

LOVE the beach! The city is right there! The breeze and sand were cool, but it was just warm enough. Perfect. And I don't usually like beaches.

What? I like it. I think I'll submit this the the Art Institute Museum. Goes with "Lucas."

I got in the water... or, my feet did. It was kind of cold.

Self explanatory.

I grafittied the city. Just kidding.
The walk home... Awesome!


The doorman wasn't there when I got home, so I found this awesome little park behind the building, and sat on this big green hill, looking at the water, talking to Krissy, and getting eaten alive by mosquitoes (even though I was wearing OFF! I don't know why they are so into me. I wish men were as into me as mosquitoes.)

Glorious! Now you know why I am in love with Chicago!! And I think the "Guys Gone Wild" will give you even more of an idea! (Kidding, but it will be funny.)


Unknown said...

The windy city is amazing! I love the pavilion. I remember when Chelle and I went, she dragged me to Jane Adams house! Yikes!!

Chelle said...

I love your pics! And also, I really love your new haircut, you look great!

I forgot about Jane Adams house. I think it was a little bit about revenge. :) After being taken to so many authors houses, I felt it was only fair D'Arcy got to see the house of the first social worker...