Sunday, August 3, 2008

Phone's for you...

The first time someone's phone rang during the sacrament, I closed my eyes and prayed for patience.
The second time, I was like, 'okay, people, come on."
The third time, I was annoyed.
The fourth time, I was about to go all tae kwon do on their a**, and I knew my prayer hadn't worked.


Unknown said...

Seriously!!! Was it ALL in one meeting? Dang! I don't even take mine when I go. The Lord doesn't need that disrespect.

Kerry said...

That's very rude, and I can totally picture the bishop's facial expressions. Not okay.

Maigen said...

Yeah, not even just the same meeting, but all during the LITERAL passing of the sacrament... Two more phones went off during sacrament meeting, for a grand total of SIX.