Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Accomplished. Yep, that's me!

So, I just finished transcribing all the portions of my novel that had yet to be in any one data-base. It was hours of long work, but now all 114 pages are together in MS Word at last! No more pages and pages of hard-copy in various fonts (yes, some pages even from an actual typewriter!) with scribbled notes and edits.
Although I am disappointed to realize it was not yet the 130-140 pages I was hoping for, at least now I can get to work writing new stuff, and finally, be creative again!!
My goal is to complete it by the end of the year (which means cranking out another 100-150 pages in a month and 10 days, so forgive me if my social life goes to pot), find a publisher, and get on Oprah. Then I can just become a full-time writer/doer of all things creative!

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