Friday, November 16, 2007

If I can do it, YOU can do it!

If I ever have a store, instead of those signs that say "employees must wash hands," I am going to post signs that say "EVERYBODY must wash hands."
Every time I am in a public restroom, I make a big to-do about washing my hands, thinking that, perhaps, my good example will rub off on others. I find that, no, it usually doesn't. You would be surprised how many women don't wash their hands, but just breeze by me as if they are off to more important things. What could that possibly be? What is more important?
Because from where I stand, even if you didn't pee on your hands, even if you flushed with your foot (a neurotic person's must), you still had to touch the door. And even if you are a spectacular freak of nature, with absolutely no disease-causing germs of your own, I promise you that somebody touched that door with disgusting on their hands. 'Disgusting what?' You ask. 'I don't wanna know,' I answer.
And I know it's worse with men. Yeah, I know you "didn't pee on your hands" (supposedly, but I know how messy y'all are and how it can be a challenge to even hit the huge hole in the toilet sometimes) but you still touched your 'yeah,' and that's dirty enough for me. Ick. I know what some of your showering habits are like. I know you are often less-than-hygienic.
Okay, so back to my sign. Basically, at this point in my life, if I see a "lady" not wash her hands, I memorize who she is, and basically avoid her in whatever store we have the misfortune to be frequenting at the same time. If it's at my work, and she comes to my counter for help, I will let someone else assist her. I will leave the department if I have to.
In my future, hypothetical store, the sinks in my bathrooms will be monitored. If you don't wash, you will be politely escorted from the premises, taking extra care that you do not touch any item or surface, or especially, me. You know 'you break it , you buy it?'
'You get your pee-or-whatever hands on it, you buy it.' Maybe that should be another sign throughout the store... Hmm....


kitebrdr said...

It is unreal how many guys I see not wash their hands. I do always wash mine and minimize my germ carrying. U and ur sisters and mom have introduced me to a new level of public restroom hygine. Hoovering...flushing with a foot...not touching the door handle. Maybe, just maybe a little over the top, at least very close to the summit!

Liz said...

The people who don't wash their hands make it onto my, "no handshake list." Since I don't see any of my coworkers in the restroom (as the only woman in the office I get my very own bathroom), the list is a lot shorter than it should be. ICK!