Why is it that as soon as they open their mouth to speak, they are just such idiots, no matter how normal and cute they my appear on the outside? Blah. (You know of whom I speak, but in case you need me to spell it out for you: m-e-n.)
So, Dallas is okay. I live with my younger (engaged) sister (and her fiance, basically). It's weird to be the third wheel in your own house. The other thing about Dallas is the weather. I guess it's "nice" here, but can't it just cool down for real? Also, the weather is not helping my ongoing argument at work with this random guy about the non-existence of and total bologna that is "global warming." (Don't bother telling me it's real on here, seriously, don't.) Also, I suspect a higher percentage of the population are actually hillbillies imported into the city than I once thought. I seem to be surrounded by hillbillies sometimes. (If you ask me later, I'll tell you who...)
Anyway, I hate my job lots and am looking for something, well, ELSE. I have lots of things I would love to do, but none of them pay too much, sadly. Maybe I will get into publishing. I think I would be great at editing or something. Also, it would get me contacts for when I am ready to publish "The Anticool." I'm going to try another round of attempts at tv production, too. Sometimes, the job hunt is like the last thing I want to do! Can't I just be spontaneously successful?
In other news, I still shop too much, and I suspect my discount at Anthropologie will be my downfall in the end. It's my tragic flaw.
So, I weigh like a million pounds, and am trying to go walking all the time, except there is a rash of robbery cum bludgeoning-of-heads in my ritzy neighborhood (You know, Preston road, North Dallas/Plano). Apparently gangsters and hoodlums are riding buses up here, hitting people on the heads with hammers, and stealing their purses/cars, so this is hampering my efforts a smidgen.
I joined Netflix. Just thought you'd like to know. Now my house will be a sanctuary rife with plentiful Indie-films, like a film festival, but with less smelly and/or high people. Come watch one, sometime (unless I don't know you and/or you are a crazy stalker).
Oh, and I'm down to like two friends now. They keep dropping off, getting engaged, going on vacation, moving away (or being moved away from), getting too busy for me and me for them. It's like a cleanse, only depressing. Less cranberry juice. But you still love me, right?
Wow, in the re-read, I sound really depressed. I'm not, really, I'm just worn out already from the holidays (retail, oh, how I love you... not!) and extra hormonal or something. I'm even all broken out, again. I am so over zits! I had pretty good skin as a teenager, come back to me! I think the "weather change" is also contributing to its unlovely-ness.
Now, to end on a happy note, the Cowboys won tonight against the Packers! Woo-hoo!
You know I am always your friend and you can come hang with me and watch my extremely oversize tv anytime. Nothing worthwhile is easy (what I say), blah, blah, blah (what you hear). Take your job search as a personal challenge, throw your whole soul into it. It will work eventually. About retail, why can't everyone stay home and shop on line? About being overweight, I have officially applied for my own zip code. We are doing yoga soon, I promise. We gotta make the weight thing right. We will feel a lot better. Love you.
I love this post, not because you're a little bit sad, but because your writing is excellent. You're very talented, Maigen. As if this is news to you... ;)
Hope you're feeling better!!
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