Friday, December 14, 2007

Christmas Card Part 1 of 2

Jennie, my hilarious BFF from BYU, college roommate, and my friend with the most spontaneous kids (she had triplets) sent me this today, thus rounding out the day that leaves me only FIVE shifts before Christmas.Yes, that is an inside joke. But, who doesn't appreciate a skeleton in a Santa hat?
Tonight in West Village, I saw a group of like 20 young, apparently cool people standing at a stop-light all wearing full Santa suits. It was awesome. And, as occurs often, I was obligated to say under my breath, "where's my camera when I need it?"
PS: I know it's Friday night. I did get invited to do stuff. But I am too tired after the crazy bad alien-customer filled week. So, after shopping in West Village, I retired and am now wearing fleece p.j. pants. Feeling good. Doing nothing. Perfection.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Jennie! How is she? How are ALL HER KIDS!