Monday, December 10, 2007

I heart Huckabees

So, I took this quiz a while back, about which candidate for President I matched up with best. #1 was Hunter, with Huckabee and Brownback in second place, tied. Granted, this was before I knew global warming was a crock, so it may be different now.
But, anyway. Whoever it is, I am probably voting republican. Or, really, whoever is against Hillary, the diabolical high priestess of doom.
I actually like Rep. Ron Paul (R-Tex.) (whose name sounds like a tranny or porn-star or something) more than I thought I would, if only for this statement about his GOP rival, and the most notable Mo of the year, Mitt Romney:
"The recent attacks and insinuations, both direct and subtle, that Gov. Romney may be less fit to serve as president of our United States because of his faith fly in the face of everything America stands for. Gov. Romney should be judged fairly, on his record and his character, not on the church he attends."
Now, that's smart. Although I am not sure my political opinions line up with Mitt's, I certainly support any Mo who is trying to do something fabulous, and who is not making the rest of us Mos look like idiots in the process (ahem, Julie on "The Real World...")
To read a pretty good article about Mitt's "Mormon speech" (which seems more smart and less about the Church), go here:
One part made me giggle:
"One of the stigmas attached to the Mormon religion is the practice of polygamy, which the church forbade in 1890. At a campaign stop in Laconia, N.H., last month, Romney was speaking on the importance of his family when he said, 'I love my wife and my five sons and their five wives.' Romney stopped, and smirking, added, 'Wait a second. Let me clarify that. They each have one.'"
At least he's got a sense of humor.

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