My fabulous friend Candice has recommended the movie "The Great Debaters" on her blog, starring Denzel Washington. This reminded me of this story I read a while back.
Now, I don't really like very many famous people. Mostly they are scrubs, creeps, and jerks. But a few stand out as actual good people, and I think Denzel is one.
Basically, the story goes that he was visiting Brooks Army Medical Center, where troops, especially burn victims, are hospitalized. "Fisher houses," hotels for the soldiers' families to stay at little or no cost, surround the hospital. They are usually full. Denzel got to tour one of the "Fisher houses," and asked how much it costs to build one. He then wrote a check for the full amount on the spot. What a good guy. I always liked his acting, and this makes me like him even more, perfectly symmetrical features and all.
Denzel is truly a wonderful man. One of the last good men in Hollywood! Or in the US, for that matter!!! Come on guys, step it up! BE MEN!!! Why are guys such weak wimps nowadays? What happened?
I like him too,Check out the true story here: Denzel
You should read the article in NY times about the great debaters. I guess the school that it is based on has been crapping out and they're hoping publicity from this will keep them going.
i have added you on my blog list also. rock on.
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