Alicia, your hubbie's pic reminded me of this. And, uh, not to be a bragger, or anything, but, umm... I think I look more like a monkey then he did. Sorry.
Uh, his is really good too.
(You get that I'm totally kidding, right? I actually don't think looking this much like a monkey is necessarily a good thing. So far, my "monkey face" hasn't gotten me any dates, or raises. Wonder why that is... Although it did play a small role in my graduating from college.)
this made me laugh hard. um, how did this face play a part in your college graduation?
Wow. That was awesome.
When michelle and i were shopping with john, we made him try that sweater on. he doesn't like trying on new things and said the sweater made him feel like a monkey. so i demanded the monkey face to go with it.
i do think that you might be a better monkey than him.
I dont know Maig this picture kids of turns me on!!!
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