Saturday, October 20, 2007

Commencement of extended vaca

So, today was the first official day of my fabulous long vacation. No, I'm not going anywhere. Instead, the docket includes:
  • 10 days of Bikram yoga (where they turn up the heat to about 105 degrees and you do yoga)
  • Writing in my novel(s)... Perhaps a little of both "The Anticool" and "Love Schmove: in Addition to His Major Character Flaws, He Often Had Bad Breath" (a catalogue of my dating life since age 5)
  • a possible visit from my bff, Krissy, from Utah (and all the Dallas sites: Reunion Tower, Southfork Ranch, Northpark Mall)
  • numerous bubble baths
  • at least one sushi meal
  • a fabulous concert by Georgia's band this Friday
  • one or more Angelika movies
  • trying to get Mom & Bob to take me kite-boarding
  • rollin' with the homies
  • at least one episode each of WNTW, Seinfeld, Law and Order, Gilmore Girls, and IASIP
  • whatever I feel like doing, while getting paid to do it (gotta love paid vacation)!
I am so excited! Of course, it would be cooler to go to NYC or something, but I am trying to do "the responsible thing." Sometimes, being a grown-up sucks. But, my time off is not to have any kind of dark shadow over it because I am not off adventuring in a shopping paradise. So don't mention it again.

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