Sunday, February 10, 2008

'Grammar, y'all' the sequal

So, after I wrote "Grammar, y'all," I realized I spelled grammar wrong, like this: grammER.
Luckily, I caught it, but for those of you who saw it, I apologize.
Who's the hillbilly now?


kitebrdr said...

Bill and Hillary when it helps their cause.

Chelle said...

He he, that's funny. I didn't even notice, what does that say about me?

WhiteEyebrows said...

umm.. i hate to point it out, but "sequal" is actually spelled s-e-q-u-E-l.

hopefully that doesn't warrant yet another post on spelling :)

Maigen said...

Oh, my gosh! You got me!!!!! Ha ha! I use that word a lot, and I THINK I usually spell it correctly, but who knows? Love it!