Thursday, February 7, 2008

Grammar, y'all

I heard a girl, nay, (at this particular shining moment) a hillbilly, say "powerfulness." Now, I won't admit the context, because if nothing else, it makes me look like a real jerk-face, but whatever. That is not a real word. Just like "Timber" and "Talon" are not real names (but that's a whole different story).
Power is a noun.
Adding -ful makes it an adjective.
Adding -ness makes it a noun again.
Hey, girl, just say "power" next time.
Hmm... I think regardless of the context I just might be a real jerk-face anyway.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

In teaching my students about similes last week, one of them gave me an example: "The man is as big as"

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