Monday, October 29, 2007

To bowl or not to bowl? That is the question...

So, tonight I might be going bowling with some people. They may like me now, but things could very easily change when they get to know "Bowling Maigen, " the ugly-shoe wearing, poor sport with a potential for a future onset of foot-fungus.
In addition to the obvious affront to my sensibilities that is wearing old, gross shoes that lots of less-showered, fungus-riddled feet have been in, bowling has other less-than desirable qualities... Such as, I suck at it. I know it should be easy. I think in high school I was actually not bad. But, now, for some reason I am terrible.
There was once a bet going that if I did not bowl above a 50, I had to kiss 3 of my guy friends' naked butts. By no small miracle (a completely surprise knock-down of about 8 pins in my very last frame) I avoided that stomach-churning fate. And, the guys were like, "you are totally lucky. We would have made you do it. We've done it before." And I believe them.
For some reason, I cannot be a good loser at bowling. I get all frustrated and mad. I'm not that competitive about anything even remotely sporty (since I am not even remotely sporty), but bowling just seems so obvious. Like, I should be able to do it.
Another problem is the unavoidable loss of a pair of perfectly good socks. I just cannot bear to keep them once they have been in those two-tone shoes.

1 comment:

Chelle said...

Come to think of it, I remember GOING bowling with you, but I don't ever remember you actually BOWLING.

You bowling is like me at all major sports. Awkward and honestly I just try to avoid it, and people never understand why till they see me in action. Then, I think, they are more than happy to have me fade back to the sidelines.