Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I fought the law and the law won.

So, tonight while I was driving from work to the gym (at like nine), a helicopter was circling the area above, shining down a searchlight. I gotta say, that doesn't inspire much confidence in me to get out of my car to walk into the gym, or put in gas later. It's not like I was in a rough part of town, but things like that just make me think they are searching for a fugitive. And one I doubt looks like Harrison Ford:
Probably a scraggly, unattractive fugitive. One I wouldn't want to help out. Or run off with.


Rhia Jean said...

What about Wentworth Miller, you know the guy from Prison Break? *sigh* I'd totally help him out. That man owns half of my heart.

Gina Marie said...

Maigen, You are freakn' hilarious!!!

kitebrdr said...

They were just trying to help another cop locate a donut they had droped from their car. Cops can't waste a donut.