Monday, March 3, 2008

I'm awake

I should be tired. But I am awake. And that means I feel the need to waste time. Sure, I could do something productive. But I won't. I know me. It's too late at night to be productive.
Above my computer, I have this framed birthday card from my mom. The cover is this cute little girl, and it says "Golly Fairy Godmother..."
Here are the guts:
When I grow up, all I want is a handsome husband,
two beautiful children (a boy and a girl)
and a nice house with pretty flowers
and a picket fence.
And maybe a nice car to drive - a Mercedes.
Some expensive jewelry and a fur coat, too.
How about a summer home on the lake?
And I don't want to work. Ever!
I'll need a maid. Yes, a maid.
Forget about cooking and cleaning,
and changing diapers.
I want to go th Paris, Florence, and Cannes.
Without those two little brats. Or him.
Just me and lots of money and men and
yachts and diamonds...
Anyway. I love that. How hilarious! How fabulous! And frankly, how me.
Don't get scared now.


Teri said...

haha that is great!

Nicole said...

Sign me up for that too Maigen!