Thursday, March 27, 2008

Just for you, Jer!

Meet Miss Celine Dion:
Meet her leg hair:
Umm... apparently she went on stage like that. Huh. Aside from the fact that I'm still a bit peeved that she never has quite retired, as promised like 10 years ago, I think legs should be properly shorn before going on a stage with massive back-lighting. But, maybe that's just me. I have vanity issues.


Alison said...

I just threw up a little bit in my mouth. Ugh.

Zappe Family said...

Wowzers...Canadians...French Canadians at that...

Rhia Jean said...

How do you find stuff like this? You are so funny! :)

Teri said...

Seriously gross. I'm all for skipping a shave now and again but I think a short dress on stage with lights is one of those times you gussy yourself up.

Chelle said...

Um, I am with you on being upset that she never retired. The leg hair-EW!

Kerry said...

Woah. & Grody.

Mrs. Bennett said...

Maybe she just thought it added a little something to her outfit? Nah, she's just weird.

kitebrdr said...

Ok ok the lady had grooming issues, she annoys the crap out of me when she sings, but what the H is up with that dress???