Sunday, March 2, 2008

West Village

David and I had fun last night in West Village, critiquing fashion choices (mostly on my side... Nah, sorry, D, it was both of us) while walking around enjoying the perfect weather. We decided to do some people-watching, and I find that whole young-singles-bar-scene so peculiar. The girls were actually wearing dresses. Out on the town on a Saturday night in a dress. Way weird. I love wearing dresses, but rarely have occasion to wear one out, excepting a few parties to which I have worn them, or perhaps a nice restaurant to two. It's like I'm disconnected from my whole generation. Aside from the other mos. It's just so odd to meet someone in a bar. Certainly you can't have much hope for a real future. I am sure the girls, well, more than the guys, are actually looking for love. Then the guys use that to get some lovin', and on and on like that for years. It just seems hopeless and sad. (Admittedly, my own methods haven't worked out so well yet, either...) I guess I can sum it up with 'single = oh crap!' (Not that I don't like being single, I just don't know how anyone ever actually finds anyone. It's like a needle in a haystack out there, people, and most of the hay is not even date-able.)
We stopped for gelato (yum! Pina colada gelato rocks!) and sat at a little table outside next to a bunch of SMU freshmen girls. I tried Pellegrino water for the first time (which I injured my hand trying to open, by the way. Yeah, needed a bottle opener). We were sharing this bottle of it, and I wish so bad that I had my camera to take pics after each sip we took. It was always a version of a totally disgusted face, yet for some reason, we both seemed surprised each time we took a drink. Oh, and for some indiscernible reason we both kept taking drinks.
That stuff is not the bomb.
Oh, and we saw some sweet cars... A couple of Bentleys, and one David said was a Maybach, but I disagreed. Hey, it was nice, whatever it was.
The last thing that is notable is that David never has to move out of anyone's way when walking down the sidewalk. Apparently people always yield to him. I guess it's because he's "big and always looks angry." How cool would that be? The only drawback is everyone wants to try and fight him (for the same reasons.) How weird would it be to be a dude?


WhiteEyebrows said...

I have never understood how 'regular' people ever find each other, get married, have babies and live happily ever after... Does the bar thing actually produce results? I mean how do the non-peculiar people do it without church? It is a mystery to me.

Maybe we should try having an open bar after church (stocked with 7-up) and see if that increases the success rate... or is that what happens in the hallway after church, and I'm just missing it...

kitebrdr said...

Please get me the address to David's blog so I can see his fashion critiques. Gay or a good sport, let me decide...

Rhia Jean said...

Okay, I totally agree with you on the Pellegrino water. Although, when you are in the middle of the country in Italy and there is nothing open because it is past 8:00pm and you are REALLY thirsty, it comes in handy. I know this probably doesn't make any sense to you, but the memory made me chuckle. :)

Maigen said...

Ha ha, Sam, I think the after-church hall party may be the closest thing we've got... "So, uh, what're you doing after?"
Bob, he doesn't do that on his blog, plus I think it's just a way to check out girls when he's with me, without being blatantly obvious.
Rhia, we'll have to chat about Italy sometime. I want to go! Oh, and I like your blog, too, but don't know how to comment on it! (I guess I'm in some other format or something...?)

Kerry said...

Couldn't agree more about the Pellegrino. Vomit.
I miss you, Maigen. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever! Hope all is well! : )

Chelle said...

um, i don't even understand how church people find each other, get married, and live happily ever after. i mean, i see it, but i still can't fathom it happening to me...

i guess if you don't dress up for church you gotta dress up for somewhere