Monday, March 10, 2008

More movies...

So, it may sound like lately I am just sitting around watching movies, but I will have you know that:
  1. I have lost 7 pounds... That's right folks, at some point I will be thin (or at least my version of thin, which is still pretty darn cute) and my ego-mania will be a lot more justifiable.
  2. I have penned 18 new, particularly dark pages in my soon-to-take-over-the-world-like-caveman-commercials- or-the-advent-of-crocs novel.
  3. I have also been busy kicking butt beating global averages by a lot on Excel, Powerpoint, and Word tests for a head-hunter. Did I mention I just learned how to use Excel and Powerpoint last night, literally? (Yeah, for some reason, never really had to use those in college...) I have a suspicion I might just be a Microsoft-suite genius.
  4. I have been napping. To recover from Daylight Saving Time. You too, no?
  5. Also, I have been watching movies...
So, at first, I though this was going to be a political rant disguised as a movie, and it may have actually turned out to be that, but luckily its spin spun in a direction I agree with. I have a really hard time with torture, even of suspected terrorists. I know, it can be the only way to make someone talk, but I cannot handle it.
This film was really well done, though. It was touching, desperate, horrifying, and really brought in a human aspect to everything. I also thought the twist, if you can call it that, at the end was amazing. I have thought about it for days, and am still realizing new things. To me, a movie is truly an accomplishment if it makes me think for days. Gosh, can you believe I saw this? Me, neither. My friend convinced me to watch it with the bait, "hey, it will give you something to blog about." Man, I'm predictable...
Anyway, so, considering that I had zero expectations (aside from an overwhelming suspicion that I would hate it with all the fiery passions of my heart) it wasn't too bad. David pointed out that they used some cool names for things (for a boat: vessel "that flies on water," etc.) That was true, and there were a few lovely descriptions. So, from a literary standpoint, some of the writing was good.
Now, another friend who saw it complained that in the beginning, a prophesy of what is going to happen is given, and then you just have to sit through watching a movie in which you already know what is going to happen. I won't tell you if the prophesy if fulfilled, but I will say that that is what it feels like as you are watching.
And although it looked like it may be reminiscent of "300," which I love, there are not many loin-cloth-wearing, amazing-abs-bearing Spartans in this one.
Also, some of the tribesmen had exceptionally good teeth for having lived in a desert eating raw antelopes their whole lives with no Oral-B in sight. I also took issue with a certain tribe's facial ornaments, which were like pieces of bone jabbing into their chins. As I told David, I would have opted for a standard goatee. Soul-patch. Whatev.


kitebrdr said...

Just saw a commercial that said the bc movie is the #1 movie in america. Maybe #1 Lame movie in america...

kitebrdr said...

Just saw a commercial that said the bc movie is the #1 movie in america. Maybe #1 Lame movie in america...