Sunday, September 16, 2007

Bad Ad

There's this Bow-flex commercial that says, and I quote (and this is the entire statement, it is not attached to anything else, nor has it been shortened), "when they say you can work out three times a week, 20 minutes a day, they mean exactly that."
Am I crazy, or did they just tell me I can work out three times a week, twenty minutes a day? Tell me something I don't know. I CAN do that, but they didn't promise any result. So what? I'll still be just as fluffy? I'll decide I like Nicolas Cage's acting after all? I'll grow wings? I'll meet Mr. Right instead of Mr. Right Now? I'll be magically transported to George Clooney's sofa, resulting in a co-dependent relationship, a love-child, and a Hollywood wedding? (Which, by the way, is the preferable outcome.)
Also, it has nothing to do with their product.
I wish businesses would take two seconds to look at their crappy advertising before burdening the public with mind-numbing ("mind-bottling") ad campaigns. I think that commercial actually made me dumber. More dumb.


Candice & Lindsey said...

I haven't ever paid attention long enough to catch that. Or I just ff when I watch a show on tivo. Wouldn't it be nice if we only need to work out 3 times a week for 20 minutes and have abs of steel! Sign me up!

Alicia said...

Of course I remember who you are! And the treats for church-three hours is a long time in some wards. a very long time. the treats make it go much quicker.
and the bowflex. the people there sometimes look freaky with their huge muscles. i'm not into the mr. universe look.