Sunday, September 16, 2007


What's the deal with visors? 'I want to wear a baseball cap, but I'm not committed to a whole hat... hmmm... I'll just cut the top off.'
Georgia says that a hat will make your head hot, since you release heat through your head, and Joe chimed in that "your head is your chimney."
If you are that worried that a hat is going to heat you up that much, maybe go hat-less. Don't half-hat it. Thanks.


The Evers said...

Can you post a picture of this? I don't think I know this faux pas. Did I spell that wrong-probably? Do you still hate Uggs?

The Evers said...

Oh and LOVE LOVE LOVE the hair cut! Very stylish!

Maigen said...

Here's a pic! Yep, still hate Uggs... You spelled it right! And thanks for the compliment on my hair!