Sunday, September 16, 2007

I can't sleep...

So, here I am again. I have a job interview in the morning, and I think my nerves must be what are keeping me wide awake.
After our recent "Elizabeth" watching, I remembered some quiz I took online once that said the celebrity my personality was most like was Cate Blanchett. Totally flattering, right? I guess she's really witty, smart, charismatic, (humble) etc.
That started me thinking about how people are always telling you what celebrity you look like. Do they do that to you? Even today, my mom was saying I looked like Reese Witherspoon (though Leslie says I look more like her daughter.)

Here are a few of the interesting observations people have made in the past:
I have been compared to (or, rather, been told I have similar styles to):
Audrey Hepburn, gee, I wish.
Marilyn Monroe, probably just because we are both blonde and curvy.
Gwen Stefani, sweet.
I have been told I look like (and I am sure they would apply more if I were less fluffy, and a little more waif-like):
Reese W (and daughter), okay, I can see that.
Portia DeRossi, thanks, I wish.
Zoe Dreshinel (sp?), yeah, I think so a little, and I think we have similar personalities.
The Australian girl from "Lost," maybe a little, and I wish I looked a lot more like her.
Cameron Diaz, another 'I wish.'
Kate Winslet, thanks, she's gorgeous. I don't see a resemblance, but, hey, I'll take it!
Kim Basinger, what?
Betty Boop, oh yeah!
Miss Piggy, my "best friend" in 8th grade said it. Hurt my feelings then, but now, I like it. I mean, check her out!

I just think it is interesting. I know I have had a few others, really obscure, strange ones. Most of these are repeats, so I can remember them easily. I would like to know who all of you have been compared to. Sometimes I think they are just so off-the-wall! If you have some good/true/weird/funny ones, post them as a comment.
Also, you have to be careful telling people who they look like. If they do not like the person, they will be totally offended. I told a guy once that he looked like Billy Bob Thornton (who I think is totally handsome) and I think it rocked his world, in a bad way. People used to tell my mom she looked like Hillary Clinton (they had similar hair-styles), and she would just about punch them in the nose. You tell her she's a 'whitey Halle Berry,' or call her 'Angelina,' and she's much more agreeable... Just don't mention her resemblance to Jennifer Aniston. Apparently Jennifer's ugly, and has a horrible chin.

1 comment:

Candice & Lindsey said...

I have been told I look like the lady from "The Hand That Rocks The Cradle". Never saw it...I don't do scary movies.

Also, Naomi Watts. Nicole Kidman. (I think it is the pale skin).

And the biggest insult of all time...Miranda from SATC. Yes! Can you believe it!?!? Friends across the hall at Belmont, in Provo, watched it and I happened to stop by while they were in the middle of an episode. This not at all attractive man says "you look like her" pointing to the screen. I was totally insulted!